Reflecting on the Year


All I can really say about this past year is wow. Like WOW. What was that? It was the most trying time I think any of us have been put through.

From quarantine to not being able to hug your parents for months, to seeing your grandmother through a window, etc,

Then there were the financial burdens that many of us faced this year. Out of work, wondering what to do, and here to go from there. 

We watched as wildfires took our world, floods filled the streets of Indonesia. We watched as Beirut exploded, George Floyd got murdered, Breonna Taylor lost her life. 

I can go on and on. I can spark political debates, I can give opinions on situations and conflicts happening all over the world. Instead, I am choosing to end this year looking back on the good. Under that gloom of negativity and sorrow, I know that there are things that made this year something to remember, well, besides what we'll already remember it for. 

We finally have an end in sight with COVID-19. People with many different methods, from holistic to the vaccine, have been suppressing the spread of this disease.

We rose up as not only a nation, but as the world against injustice and wrongdoings against those of color. I can still see protesters in my little town on Sundays holding signs fighting for equality. 

Because of the pandemic, we saw a record drop in global emissions. Maybe the world is realizing that we need, yes, the WORLD to live!

We were distanced, but we found ways to get closer than ever. Humans found their inner circle and went back to the days of staying in and playing board games. Many found that connecting with plants and nature brought them immense happiness, rather than surfing the crowds. 

Towns and cities united and threw huge drive-by celebrations for birthdays, graduates, and retirees. 

We even united over the Tiger King-yes, we are almost all guilty of it! 

I saw more good in humanity this year than I have collectively seen in my entire life. Nurses and doctors working until their faces have sores from all of the extra protective gear, so they can give a dying patient the most admirable care they can give.

Teachers have completely relearned their profession and done an incredible job leading the youth.

Neighbors come together when one falls sick. In some small towns and communities, they ring bells outside at the same time to show their support for those on the front lines of this virus. 

I think that the world has learned to come together again. We've learned to reconnect with those around us and live more in the moment than we have ever been taught.

And that brings me to you. You. What you have done for this business this year is give us the chance to do what we love while sharing health. I am in this for every email, every like/share/comment, every time you say, "ahhh" after taking your daily dose. 

We literally could not have grown into what we are without your trust and faith in us to give you a great product. 

Thank you for your trust, your loyalty, and your boosts to our confidence! I truly love what I do and it really is because of you.


Managing Stress During a Pandemic


Beyond the Scenes